A diaper rash usually comes about by the prolonged contact with a damp diaper. It doesn't happen with all babies, so this gives a good indication of the source of the problem.
Generally a diaper rash means that the urine (and possibly the stool) has an acrid quality to it. In this case acrid means irritating, strong with a burning quality to it, which creates the inflammation of the skin.
Urine can become acrid by the toxins that are being discarded from the baby's body. A healthy baby is unlikely to have acrid discharges. This means that it may be helpful to look for toxins in the baby and the mother, if breast feeding. Food is best when fresh and wholesome. Animal protein is normally full of antibiotics and growth hormones, which are passed on to the consumer. Preservatives and artificial foods abound in prepared food, packets, frozen and canned food.
Vaccines and drugs contain toxins which a healthy baby will quickly try to eliminate. Household cleaning products and garden products can all have an accumulative effect on your health and that of your baby. This means that one of the best ways to cure and prevent diaper rash is to cut out big contributing factors, such as a high toxin load. Whilst this is the best long term solution, it may not be very helpful to your baby right now.
One of the best ways for immediate effect for any problem is to use the natural modality of health care - homeopathy. Homeopathy is a safe and complete system of health care which works by stimulating the immune system to heal the body, a job it was designed to do efficiently, but is often hampered.
Although there are many home remedies for diaper rash, so a consultation with a professional homeopath is probably going to give you the best results, the remedy Sulphur 6c, daily for a few days, can help to unload the toxins quickly.
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